Connecticut Conversations

You Talkin’ To Me?
Yeah, You Talkin’ To Me

lipton-306x350I’ve had this idea for a few years. Leverage whatever connections or capital I’ve built up through CTMQ in order to meet some of my fellow Nutmeggers who interest me. That’s it.

Simple enough.

Of course, these are the people that interest me and not necessarily you – and who aren’t already in the museum (etc.) world I’m already fairly immersed in as a result of writing this website. Not that they are weirdos or anything; they just may not be the typical Connecticut people you think you want to learn more about.

I have my list, but I encourage your suggestions. And if anyone knows Baba Booey, let me know.

I don’t know what format this will take on down the road, but initially I will be sending a set of 25 (or so) Questions to my victim- er- subjects. I like to write these things as if I was interviewing them face-to-face, so the comedy, if there is any, would be more impactful that way. Think Colbert’s 435-part series “Better Know a District” and Nardwuar the Human Serviette.*

*Both of which are researched 1,000 times better than – and are 1,000 times funnier than -anything I’ll ever do, but we all have to have inspiration, right?

Sadly, the picture of me here is my pathetic ode to James Lipton.

Okay! Let’s get going…

Rohan Freeman, May 2013

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